The photo of my friend, Karen, popped up on Facebook. Under blue skies she stood smiling with a sea of giant, yellow sunflowers behind her. Acres of them. As soon as I saw the picture, I knew I had to go.
I love being outside in nature, and I especially love flowers. After many months of stress and uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic, I made a conscious decision to get outside more often, to stop and smell the roses. To do more of what’s good for body, mind, and spirit.
The pandemic has heightened awareness of the fragility of life; tragedies every day remind us that no day can be taken for granted. I feel added urgency to carve out more time for friends and family, take longer walks, and spend more time at the beach. Enjoying more adventures means making them a priority, rather than putting them off for another day.
With that in mind, my daughter, Caroline, and I headed to Holland Ridge Farms in Cream Ridge, New Jersey, for some fresh air and fun. Mid-October is a bit late in the season, and we weren’t sure whether there would still be enough sunflowers in the fields to make the trip worthwhile. To our delight, there were plenty!
The owners of the farm, the Jansens, started growing tulips in Holland more than 100 years ago, and eventually moved to the US and started a flower business in New Jersey. In 2017, the family bought and then restored a 153-acre farm in Monmouth County to grow and sell u-pick tulips. Today, tens of thousands of people flock to Holland Ridge Farms to pick tulips in the spring and sunflowers in the fall.
On our visit, rows of gorgeous sunflowers stretched as far as we could see. To extend the growing season, seeds are planted in stages, so we found flowers of different heights: from tiny plants only a few inches high, to brilliant giants towering over our heads.
Wandering among hundreds of thousands of sunflowers was mesmerizing. The farm gives visitors huge clippers to cut the flowers’ thick, sturdy stems. Focusing on choosing the “right” sunflowers was our only concern as we walked through the fields. No stress. No rushing. No cell phones pinging. The only reminder of the pandemic was seeing other visitors wearing masks; they’re required here, even in the great outdoors, when social distancing isn’t possible.
After purchasing our 10 perfect sunflowers, we lingered near a pasture, gazing at horses and other farm animals munching on grass. We headed home, our bodies more relaxed. Our minds a little clearer. Our spirits refreshed. And our back seat overflowing with a big bunch of magical memories.
When you’re captivated by an idea, a place, an image–pay attention. It may be your soul calling, nudging you to have fun. Reminding you that life is precious, time is short, and the memories are yours for the making.

So glad to spend this time with you! I cherish these memories
I feel the same! Love our day trips!