We create films for television that explore important issues and interesting people in depth. Our documentaries have aired on PBS television stations NJTV (now NJ PBS) and WHYY, broadcasting in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Connecticut. They also have been shown at numerous screenings. Select films also are streaming online. Contact us to learn about the benefits of sponsoring our independent productions.

More on South Football’s Impossible Dream documentary

Stream here on Vimeo On Demand.
More on South Baseball – The Spirit of Winning documentary

Stream here on Vimeo On Demand.
More on Heartbreak & Healing After Sandy documentary
Sandra Levine was a producer, news reporter, and host for NJN Public Television for more than two decades, and her work was nominated 10 times for regional Emmy Awards. From live news reporting and producing educational series, to working at a national political convention and creating documentaries, Sandra excelled in multiple roles at the station.
Her passion is producing feature stories, especially about people and organizations making a positive impact in their communities. Sandra was the host and producer of the popular program, Homeless Tails, for more than 15 years. Her story “’s 10th Birthday” received high praise from the co-founder of the international company.
“That is, by far, the best produced piece that has ever been done on Petfinder – and as you know, we’ve been on almost every major network and a lot of little ones, too! I’m overwhelmed!”
Sandra has a knack for knowing what makes a great story. Her touching enterprise report about “The Smart Goose” follows the journey of a much-maligned bird that chose to land in the yard of a compassionate veterinarian – Sandra’s own father – after it had been shot by a bow and arrow.
Additional media outlets including The Associated Press covered the story after learning about it from Sandra. “The Smart Goose” video report has been viewed more than a half million times, and the AP article was published around the world.